(échappée belle)
"I just want to get to know you. Is that so strange ?"
"Why ? Why me ?" Her heart sped as she waited for him to respond, as if he'd answer the real question. "Why not someone else ?"
He stepped closer, watching her predatorily, his mood shifting rapidly once more. "Honestly ? I don't know. There's something about you. From the first time I saw you, I just knew."
He took her hand.
She actually let him. Play along. It wasn't just playing, though : she'd been resisting the need to reach out to him since they first met. It wasn't logical, but it was definitely there.
Kennan was staring at her, too intently for comfort. "I don't know why certain people shine for others. I don't know why you and not someone else." He gently pulled her forward and whispered, "But it's you I think of when I wake each morning. It's your face in my dreams."
Aislinn swallowed. That would seem odd even if he were normal. And he wasn't. What he was - unfortunately - was completely serious.
She shivered. "I don't know."
Keenan stroked her hand with his thumb. "Give me a chance. Let's start over."
extrait de Wicked Lovely, 1er roman de Melissa Marr
à paraître en janvier 2010 dans la collection wiz d'albin michel jeunesse